Prayer and Praise

If you enjoy singing or praying or both together than this is the group for you. Come along to praise the Lord! For more info or transport contact us at the youth office.
What is praise? Why do we do it? What's the difference between Praise and Thanksgiving? Why Worship and how should we do it?
These are some of the questions we have been exploring over the last term whilst enjoying our offerings of prayer for the Lord.
Sing a new song to the Lord!
This term will be a chance to build on this new understanding and push deeper in our praise and worship, ever growing in our relationship with Jesus. Also teaching on spirtual gifts and prayer to come...
Prayer and Praise continues on alternate Thursdays, 14th Jan onwards
Celebrate Conference 'People of Power' 2009
At Easter a brave team of young people from around the Diocese set out to 'boldly go where no man has gone before'. They helped 80 children explore the story of the Israelites in the Desesrt whilst being lost in space.
Confused? Why not
Confused? Why not

The tournament is scheduled for Saturday 13 June 2009 and the plan is as follows:
11.00am Arrivals. Meet at the Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Residence, 228 Garstang Road, Preston PR2 9RB. This is very easy to find: Junction 32 on the M6/ Junction 1 on M55 and follow signs to Preston City Centre (A6). The Jeanne Jugan Residence is on the left shortly after the Texaco Garage on the right, going into Preston.
11.30am Mass in the chapel of the Little Sisters.
12.15pm Registration and packed lunch at Corpus Christi Catholic Sports College, St Vincent's Rd (just next to the Little Sisters), PR2 8QY.
1.00-3.15pm Tournament
3.30pm Refreshments and Presentations.
4.00pm Departures.
If you would like to be involved please contact the Youth Office,uk
Easter Retreat

If you want to be part follow this link
Thank you and Goodbye

As you will be aware Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue will be retiring and Bishop Michael Campbel will be inaugurated on 1st May. We have set up this space for you to leave your comments, memories and best wishes for Bishop Patrick as we say farewell. Bishop Patrick has been a great Champion of the Youth and his impact on the Diocese will be felt for years to come. Here's the parting words he had for you...
I would say to our young people: Persevere in getting to
know Jesus our Lord and His teaching more and more.
Demand your place in the Church of today. Offer yourself
to the Lord in prayer and ask him to guide and sustain you
– and all of us – in the days ahead – that we may be faithful
to what He is calling us to be.
+Patrick O'Donoghue, Bishop of Lancaster
Farewell Party
There will be a farewell party for Bishop Patrick on Sunday 19th April 7-9pm
at the Ladyewell Shrine, Fernyhalgh Lane, Preston
Please email to let us know you are coming

If you missed this great talk why not check out their website
on thursday 5 february 7-9pm, young people (16-30) are invited to a special evening at the pastoral centre Lancaster LA1 3BT from an inspiring young couple, Jason and Crystalina Evert, all the way from America. They will be talking about the challenges young people face with regards to relationships and sex and offering realistic solutions based upon sound Catholic teachings. This is the first time they have spoken in the UK and each year they speak to over 100,000 young people - they are down-to-earth, dynamic and very inspiring. please spread the word around and come along; what they have to say will open your eyes and change your life in the most amazing way. for info on love, sex and relationships.
Lourdes 2008

Here's the space for you to let everyone know about your experience of Lourdes and, who knows, you may convince someone else to come along next year!
If you haven't read the write up yet click here to hear how some of the young people found the Pilgrimage and to see a few of the pictures of what we all got up to...
World Youth Day: AND THEY'RE OFF.

On Monday we had a Mass at St. Maria Goretti's, Preston to send the WYD gang on their way. The children from the Primary School joined us and were in fine voice especially when leading the rest of the congregation in an action song at the end. As we all got soaked waving them off there were a few envious individuals at the thought of the sun in Australia. We wish the WYD group a safe journey and an amazing time whilst in Melbourne and Sydney.
Email From Fr. Philip
Dear Ruth and Joe, just to let you know that we have all got as far as singapore. there were visa problems with one of the group but that seems to have been sorted. We flew on the new A380 on the top deck and I watched good will hunting, and slept most of the time. It's quite humid here. clifton, portsmouth and plymnouth are on our flight. The bishop is behaving. Hope all is well at the office. I am really missing it!!!lots of love and pryaers, Fr. Philip.

Living The Dream
Lourdes Prep Weekends

11th - 13th April and 30th May - 1st June
In order to prepare both spiritualy and practically for the Lourdes Pilgrimage in July we have had two fantastic prep weekends with different groups of young people. We all had a brilliant time and are now more excited than ever about the fast approaching Pilrimage. To find out what happened and to see great photos follow this link. We would love to hear from you if you have attended either of these weekends (or if you missed out!). Leave us your comments here
In order to prepare both spiritualy and practically for the Lourdes Pilgrimage in July we have had two fantastic prep weekends with different groups of young people. We all had a brilliant time and are now more excited than ever about the fast approaching Pilrimage. To find out what happened and to see great photos follow this link. We would love to hear from you if you have attended either of these weekends (or if you missed out!). Leave us your comments here
Have Your Say

This is a space for anyone about anything.
Let us know your thoughts about the website, what you enjoy doing, what you would like to see from us as the Youth Service, how you would like to get involved or maybe tell us about your faith. Basically anything you think is relevant! You could also use this space to ask questions if you wanted and we'll do our best to help.
Step Up

If you came on this weekend we'd love to hear from you. If you had a good time it might encourage others to come to the next one! Have a look at the photos on the website to jog your memory but don't forget to come back here to leave your comments!
Banner Competition

There have been some wonderful entries for this competition. The designs have been judged and an official announcement will be made shortly. Why not have a look here and see which you think should win...
World Youth Day 2008
The Diocese is being represented by 15 young people for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. They have been busy getting ready in loads of ways. To find out more and see some photos follow the link (But don't forget to come back here to leave your comments!)
Lourdes 2008
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