As you will be aware Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue will be retiring and Bishop Michael Campbel will be inaugurated on 1st May. We have set up this space for you to leave your comments, memories and best wishes for Bishop Patrick as we say farewell. Bishop Patrick has been a great Champion of the Youth and his impact on the Diocese will be felt for years to come. Here's the parting words he had for you...
I would say to our young people: Persevere in getting to
know Jesus our Lord and His teaching more and more.
Demand your place in the Church of today. Offer yourself
to the Lord in prayer and ask him to guide and sustain you
– and all of us – in the days ahead – that we may be faithful
to what He is calling us to be.
+Patrick O'Donoghue, Bishop of Lancaster
Farewell Party
There will be a farewell party for Bishop Patrick on Sunday 19th April 7-9pm
at the Ladyewell Shrine, Fernyhalgh Lane, Preston
Please email to let us know you are coming youth@lancasterrcdiocese.org.uk
“As a young person in the diocese I often used to see Bishop Patrick
most in Lourdes and he was always a very loving and caring person,
not only to the sick but to the young people as well. He was always
talking to everyone and he always used to make me feel special when
I spoke to him, whether it was to do with my personal life or my
religious life. Having been out for meals and spent time with the Bishop
in his spare time, I know he is one of the most generous and caring
individuals I know and he will be greatly missed amongst the Youth.”
David Nutter, 19, Poulton-le-Fylde
Charlotte Sadler said:
“Bishop Patrick has been inspired by the Holy Spirit during his eight
years as our Bishop.
“The Holy Spirit gave him the strength to continue with his ‘Fit for
Mission?’ Initiative even when others where pessimistic as to how the
wider Church would receive it.
“He has given much of his time to the young people of our diocese
and is a regular visitor to the Youth Group at Ladyewell on a Sunday
Evening.“He has given me many good words of advice, in all aspects of my
faith and spirituality.
“He will be truly missed and, I for one, am sad to see him go. May God
be with him, and I wish him a good and happy retirement and I hope
you will come and see us some time.”
Rosey Kennedy recounts her memories of
Bishop Patrick:
“Among other memories I have of him, I have been fortunate enough
to travel with Bishop Patrick to World Youth Days in Cologne and
Sydney, and have learned through them of his great humility,
enthusiasm, joy and his wicked sense of humour; also of the difficulty
of being expected to recall people's names.
“I remember a couple of weeks after the first trip, two weeks in
Germany, back in 2005, I was the sponsor for my little brothers
Confirmation, the Bishop looked up at me, smiled, and asked ‘So, are
you a Catholic yourself then?’ I guess it’s not always an easy job
meeting so many people!
“That aside I have found the Bishop an example and an inspiration, I
remember all those years ago when he sold Bishops House, I thought
it was wonderful – as a practicing Catholic teen peers would ask how
the church could justify all their riches (they weren’t fully clued up!)
when there was so much poverty, the Bishop's action was the perfect
answer, I was proud of him before I’d ever met him.
“In the years since, I have grown increasingly fond of our P O’D, and
he has constantly surprised me with how much he is willing to share
of himself. The trip to Australia last summer was the prime example,
not an easy journey to make even for the more youthful among us,
from the first to the last Bishop Patrick got involved. From exercises in
Singapore airport, to winter barbeques in Melbourne, early mornings
and late nights, our Bishop did the youth of Lancaster proud, he was
one of us. On our final evening together he said Mass for us in a hotel
room and shared with us all what the trip had meant to him, I think we
were all moved by his openness and honesty It struck me then how
lucky we were to have a Bishop who walked and lived among us, who wasn’t too important to share the small, and the significant, with us,
who added the Gloria to weekday Mass because it was a ‘joyful day’,
who made us cry tears of laughter with his anecdotes about overweight
priests confusing cats with cushions, who touched our hearts with his
words and inspired us by his actions, and who was actually interested
in our lives.
“I am so grateful to Bishop Patrick for all he has done for the youth of
Lancaster in the past few years, and for all he has done for me. Thank
legend! on my confermation this man droped the holy gospal onto my head..arhhh fun times.. gonner miss him as the big bish man...
I have many memories of Bishop Patrick but my most recent ones are of his publication of the Fit for Mission? documents, particularly those relating to Schools and the wider Church. Wearing my FFM hoodie (which was part of our World Youth Day kit) outside of our diocese has often earned the question 'are you from Lancaster Diocese then?' which is often closely followed by the questioner announcing 'they are fantastic documents, I wish he was the bishop of my diocese!'
I admire greatly the bravery Bishop Patrick has shown in publishing these documents which are a gift to the Church throughout the world.
Emma Kirby, 19, The mighty Fleetwood.
Bishop Patrick is always interested in what the youth have been up to,and the lives of each individual young person. His friendliness and enthusiasm have made him a fantastic Bishop, one I would never be scared to approach.
Saskia Hunter, 22, Great Eccleston
I had the good fortune to meet Bishop Patrick properly on our Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 08 in Oz. The whole experience was a wonderful mixture of exploration, discovery and fun; Bishop Patrick helped make the Pilgrimage the success it was through his indefatigable good humour, gentleness and patience. I will never forget him joining in with the exercises and sitting in that toy plane at Singapore Airport, how entertaining! Goodbye Bishop Patrick you will be sorely missed.
Gill Walsh, 25, Cleveleys
Bishop Patrick has always seemed to me whenever I met him to be really approachable and really supportive of the youth that exist within the diocese and he seems to be always so pleased to see everyone and I hope that Bishop Patrick has a long and happy retirement.
Thanks for all that you have done for the diocese Bishop Patrick you will be sorely missed.
A good cartoonist would know to draw Bishop Patrick with an enormous grin on his face because, for as far back as I can remember, he's always been smiling! Bishop Patrick has been a joy to our diocese over this last decade and always seems to have time for everybody. His heart of gold is particularly evident in his manner with the VIPs and youth in Lourdes. And he has a wonderful sense of humour - I'll never forget when the two of them were in fits of laughter as Fr Robert described the plane journey with the peanut on their way to Melbourne in the summer. hehe. As well as that though, Bishop Patrick has done so much for our diocese, his work on the Fit for Mission has been outstanding and has put little Lancaster on the map.
Your kindness and generousity will not be forgotten and I thank you abundantly for all your hard work and grace my Lord. Love and prayers, Rosie. x
A good cartoonist would know to draw Bishop Patrick with an enormous grin on his face because, for as far back as I can remember, he's always been smiling! Bishop Patrick has been a joy to our diocese over this last decade and always seems to have time for everybody. His heart of gold is particularly evident in his manner with the VIPs and youth in Lourdes. And he has a wonderful sense of humour - I'll never forget when the two of them were in fits of laughter as Fr Robert described the plane journey with the peanut on their way to Melbourne in the summer. hehe. As well as that though, Bishop Patrick has done so much for our diocese, his work on the Fit for Mission has been outstanding and has put little Lancaster on the map.
Your kindness and generousity will not be forgotten and I thank you abundantly for all your hard work and grace my Lord. Love and prayers, Rosie. x
Jimmy O'Donnell
Seriously this man is a genious.
when many think about bishop Patrick O'Doahoghe they will think of the, slighty eccentric bishop or the, someimes forgetfull bishop. and this is the bishop that we, as the lancaster youth have come to know and love.
however, these descriptions do not do this man justice!! he is a man with a brilliant mind and a wonderful heart. he has stood his ground for what he believed in and what the catholic faith teaches which many times has got him into hot water but he perseverd and has been proven right to do so.
this man is truly a "legend" an i am extreemly sad to have to say goodbye to such a wonderful man.
i, and i am sure the rest of the lancaster diocese, especialy the youth section, will miss you terrably.
Hard working, kind and generous, a really great man who always has a smile on his face and always capable of putting smile on the faces of others! Enjoy your retirement Bishop Pat.
Liam Wilkinson
I have only really spoke to The Bish in Lourdes but their Bishop Patrick shows a lot of care too all the sick, and is often thanking the young people for all they do. He is never too busy to stop and talk to anybody... and i hope he enjoys his retirement... He deserves it. :) Thankyou and Goodbye
Lucy Miller, Preesall
I have known Bisphop Patrick and met him personaly and at various events. I found him to be be a very pastoral person and found him very easy to talk to.
My memories vary from meeting him one to one over personal discussions in my life, at the world youth youth day in clone were we got lost together and had to try and find the rest of the group! and espacially at lady well were he has been a regular visitor.
Bisphop Patrick has always seen people as individuals and not just a number and has a very special effection for the youth he will always be remembered for his down to earth approch and christ-like approch to people. He has been very courageous in his fit for mission process and documents which will continue after his reterment.
I wish him all the best in his retirement and a well earned rest.
God bless you Bishop Patrick!
Paul Smith
Bishop Patrick has been an inspiration to this diocese, sparking new ideas and putting his mark on 'Lancaster' a mark which will remain for many, many years to come.
Of the times I have had the opportunity to meet this man I have always been taken aback by his humbleness and kindness.
He is a man of true 'FAITH' and has quietly helped to strengthen my faith. I am proud to have called him "Our Bish" especially when I see his heart felt words on the website of 'The Sister's of the Gospel of Life'.
Bishop Patrick; you have walked an amazing journey as the Bishop of Lancaster - Bishop of the youth! You will always be remembered by us and kept in our prayers.
May God Bless you every day of your life.
Katie O'Donnell, 24, Blackpool
I have known Bishop Patrick since his arrival in Lancaster and he has had a major influence on my life not only as a Catholic but as a person. His dedication to his faith and his relationship with the Lord has helped me to grasp a deeper understanding of what faith means to me. However the biggest impression Bishop Patrick had on my was at World Youth Day, this was a time when he had an incredibly busy schedule however he still found the effort to spend as much time as he possibly could with the group. Patrick O'Donoghue has had a major impact on my Catholic faith and i would like to thank him for everything he has done for both me and the Diocese over the past 8 years!
Chris Lee
The bish is simply awesome. I've only really seen him in Lourdes the last couple of years but his dedication to the diocese and the fact that he's always taking an interest in whatever anybody's doing just sums him up perfectly. And to top it all, he always goes about his job with a smile on his face. Bishop Patrick will be missed.
I've only known Bishop Patrick for the last few years, mainly from Lourdes, and I feel it's been a great pleasure to know him. He is a great man, very kind and caring to all. He gets involved in everything and is always friendly and happy. He will be really missed by the youth.
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