So far this has taken place in Lancaster and Morecambe, West Cumbria, and in Preston.
If you have experienced any of these courses, let us know what you thought and this might encourage others to get involved.
Please remember not to give away too much detail of the actual dynamics (the responses after the talks) so as not to spoil it for others, but rather share how you found the experience.
The course will be run in
Barrow(April 08)
Carlisle(May 08)
Blackpool(June 08)
Barrow(April 08)
Carlisle(May 08)
Blackpool(June 08)
If you would like to find out more then follow the link...
Philip Course Update
Read what has happened so far:

Having just attended The Philip Course at St Walburges in Preston today I would like to say a big thank you to Youth Service team for all the hard work and effort they have clearly put into it. The course is relevant to all and it was amazing that someone who just attended the last day of the course, after finding the event completely by accident, left saying "that was brilliant!". Makes you wonder if it was an accident or rather meant to be and the start of things to come. I truly hope so. It was like a breath of fresh air and very inspiring.Thanks once again and I will now try to pass on the message!
I attended The Philip Course in Preston this weekend and was totally amazed with the course - there were so many points that were talked about that i had never been aware of before. I felt a real and profound presence of the Holy Spirit and feel that there is so much more that can be done with God's help.
If you have not been able to attend the course yet i would completely and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is or would like to work with young people.
jpe :-)
Bit slow at finding the blog! (and just 'twigged' that I had to sign on as 'anonymous')
sorry :-(
Was also at the Preston Event ... What a great experience! - very uplifting - lots to learn and lots to discover. As a previous blogger has said - there were new ways of looking at things and a new awareness of God's message.
I for one came away revitalised with God's spirit and looking forward to where He will guide us next.
Thanks so much to the team for their work and for sharing their own faith with us.
If you are reading this and wavering on the 'sideline's' wondering whether to go to the next event or not - please don't hesitate ... grab the opportunity - you won't regret it.
It's as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6 ! :)
(check the course description!)
Philip Evaluation Quotes
These are quotes taken from evaluation forms given at the end of the courses.
West Cumbria
If the lessons of the course are adopted then it should change my way of living as a Christian. As someone about to enter full time ordained ministry I found these summaries and the sequence (of the 6 points) very helpful.
The six steps are a solid foundation for understanding our faith
The posters are excellent presentations of the important points made in the talks
Lancaster and Morecambe
The group projects encourage individual interaction and cross-exchange of views and ideas
It has made me give more thought to my relationship with Jesus and to how I can develop in that relationship
From now on I will give more time to reading and analysing Scripture
The group work encouraged unity and feeling of family
I now feel that I don’t have to DO ANYTHING to get God’s Love
The dynamics are a challenging way to be ‘active’ in what you have discussed/learned about
I think it’s a renewal with Jesus for me – a new determination to tell others and share the good news. It reminded me that His love for me is free and unconditional.
I think the future is positive – it’s nice to have met with the team and got to know them better(breaking down barriers). A real Asset
The team demonstrated their own faith and commitment which was infectious and inspirational
Very enjoyable and uplifting
The posters and dynamics give a pictorial and physical representation of what was being discussed and this helps to make a point more clearly
I feel my relationship with God has been strengthened, what was missing was my commitment.
I feel a true sense of spiritual renewal
Having received the grace of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit, I wish to tell of my experience as a witness to the Gospel
Thanks for reinforcing the feelings I have been experiencing over the last year. I now know it’s not just happening to me!
It’s good to have clear easy to follow steps – easy to remember!
I know that I am valued and loved and I have something to offer to others
I do not feel UNWORTHY now of His love - I have already been saved and forgiven!
I have a much better understanding of God’s unconditional and PERSONAL love for me
My responses in everyday situations will change from now on
Lively and uplifting
Helpful explanation of Kerygma and Catechesis and the important difference between them
Because the Gospel message was presented as stages it consolidated the logical progression in thought and truth
I am confirmed in my realisation of the need to be as ‘OPEN’ to the Holy Spirit as can be
I feel that I can now be more open about my faith
The music used spoke powerfully
Looking forward to attending the Philip Course scheduled in my diocese on 14th 15th March 2009. the manual indicates its going to be interesting, and the coments on your website corelate the same
Adrian Michael (Lucknow - India)
I have been home from the philip course for 2 days and im still not able to sleep properly. My life is new.
Thank you Ruth and Joe.
Just remember "God loves YOU today!"
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