The tournament is scheduled for Saturday 13 June 2009 and the plan is as follows:

11.00am Arrivals. Meet at the Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Residence, 228 Garstang Road, Preston PR2 9RB. This is very easy to find: Junction 32 on the M6/ Junction 1 on M55 and follow signs to Preston City Centre (A6). The Jeanne Jugan Residence is on the left shortly after the Texaco Garage on the right, going into Preston.
11.30am Mass in the chapel of the Little Sisters.
12.15pm Registration and packed lunch at Corpus Christi Catholic Sports College, St Vincent's Rd (just next to the Little Sisters), PR2 8QY.
1.00-3.15pm Tournament
3.30pm Refreshments and Presentations.
4.00pm Departures.

If you would like to be involved please contact the Youth Office,uk

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